December’s Birthstone is Tanzanite (or Turquoise, or Blue Zircon, or Blue Topaz).
One of the world’s newest gemstones, Tanzanite was only discovered in 1967. The first Tanzanite crystals were originally
mistaken for sapphires and mines sprung up to capitalize on the new-found source. In spite of the mistaken identity, Tanzanite quickly became popular in its own right.
Because Tanzanite is commercially mined in only one location, the Merelani Hills of Tanzania, they are actually rarer than diamonds. Tanzanite is pleochroic, or shows one of three different colors depending on the direction from which the stone is viewed. Rough Tanzanite is usually brown and then the crystals are heat treated to bring out the rich blues and violets.
Clean your Tanzanite jewelry in warm soapy water. Avoid chemicals, hard blows, and ultrasonic or steam cleaners.
Happy Birthday December Babies!