March Birthstone Spotlight

March’s birthstone is Aquamarine!

Aquamarine and Diamond pendantAs a member of the Beryl family of gemstones, Aquamarine is a color variety like Emerald and Morganite. Its name is Latin for seawater and Aquamarine quickly became a talisman for sailors, who would throw the gems into the sea as payments to Poseidon for safe journeys. Legendarily, Poseidon would gift Aquamarines to mermaids. Folklore has also long associated Aquamarine with healing and sustaining youthful love. This gem makes a perfect gift for married couples and it is the traditional anniversary gift for the 19th year.

Aquamarine gemstones typically undergo a permanent heat treatment to improve color. The rich deep blue color is the most valuable.

Use warm, soapy water to clean your Aquamarine jewelry. Ultrasonic and steam cleaners are usually safe if no inclusions or feathers are present in the stone.

Aquamarine and Diamond ring

Aquamarine and Diamond earrings

Happy Birthday, March Babies!


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